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3 Comment on the following phase an information system is a produc

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3.Comment on the following phase \"an information system
is a product.
an information system is a product as it is the most
important part of any organization which keeps the current
position, assets and many other informations which are
useful for the company and very useful for the rival
companies. it is a product as it can be sold to the rivals
like a company\'s information is sellable to its rival
companies, a country\'s information can be sold to another
enemy country. as important or big the information is as
much price can can be very harmful to some one and
very useful to the other one

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3.Comment on the following phase \"an information system is a product.” Solution an information system is a product as it is the most important part of any organization which keeps the current position, assets and many other informations which are useful for the company and very useful for the r ...
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