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5 Identify the set of functional dependences in the relation instan

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5. Identify the set of functional dependences in the relation
instance CAR shown next. Does this constitute the minimal
cover for the set of functional dependencies presents in
CAR? If it is not a minimal cover, derive a minimal cover.
functional dependencies:let R be a relation schema and
X,Y be non empty sets of attributes in we can say an
instance r of R satisfies functional dependecy X-> y1 if it
satisfies fallowing conditions.
if t1.X= t2.X then t1.Y=t2.Y
from the given example the functional dependencies in car
are :
1) cylinders->fee
minimal cover means get rid of the redundant attributes in
left side in functional dependencies
but the functional dependencies that we obtain are minimal
cover functional depencies only.

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5. Identify the set of functional dependences in the relation instance CAR shown next. Does this constitute the minimal cover for the set of functional dependencies presents in CAR? If it is not a minimal cover, derive a minimal cover. CAR Solution functional dependencies:let R be a relation schema and X,Y be non empty sets of attributes in we can say an instance r of R satisfies functional dependecy X -> y1 if it satisfies fallowing conditions. if t1.X= t2.X then t1.Y=t2.Y from the given example the functional dependencies in car are : 1) cylinders->fee 2)origin->tax minimal cover mean ...
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