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5 Prove that the Traveling Salesman Problem, (finding shortest tour

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5. Prove that the Traveling Salesman Problem, (finding
shortest tour visiting n points in the plane) is in class NP
a) Optimization formulation
b) Decision formulation
c) Polynomial-size certificate
d) Polynomial time verification algorithm
Prove that TSP is NP-complete
Let first try to prove that TSP belongs to NP.
If we check the tour contains each vertex one for any trip
in the TSP problem.
Thus we sum up total cost of edges and we will finally find
the minimum cost.
This can be done in polynomial time and thus TSP is in NP
Next we will prove that iTSp is NP hard. We can do it
either by proving that hamilton cycle TSP.
Assume G =(V,E) to be in instance of hamiltionian cycle.
We will create a complete graph CG = (V,E)
Total cost will be given as
t(I,j) = 0 if (I,j) belongs to E
t(I,j) = 1 if(I,j) doesnt belong to E

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5. Prove that the Traveling Salesman Problem, (finding shortest tour visiting n points in the plane) is in class NP a) Optimization formulation b) Decision formulation c) Polynomial-size certificate d) Polynomial time verification algorithm Solution Prove that TSP is NP-complete Let first try to prove that TSP belongs to NP. If we check the tour contains each vertex one for any trip in the TSP problem. Thus we sum up total cost of edges and we will finally find the minimum cost. This can be done in polynomial time and thus TSP is in NP Next we will prove that iTSp is NP hard. We can do it ei ...
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