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5 What do these terms mean time boxing, refactoring, pair programm

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5. What do these terms mean? time-boxing, refactoring,
pair programming, code-and-fix? Which SDLC model is
associated with these?
In time management, time boxing allocates a fixed time
period, called a time box, to each planned activity. Several
project management approaches use time boxing. It is also
used for individual use to address personal tasks in a
smaller time frame. It often involves having deliverables
and deadlines, which will improve the productivity of the
Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing
computer code changing the factoring without changing its
external behaviour. Refactoring improves non-functional
attributes of the software.
pair programming
Pair programming is an agile software development
technique in which two programmers work together at one

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5. What do these terms mean? time -boxing, refactoring, pair programming, code-and-fix? Which SDLC model is associated with these? Solution time-boxing In time management, time boxing allocates a fixed time period, called a time box, to each planned activity. Several project management approaches use time boxing. It is also used for individual use to address personal tasks in a smaller time frame. It often involves having deliverables and deadlines, which will improve the productivity of the user Refactoring Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code changing the ...
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