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5 What is a password list used for6 Where are local Windows use

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5. What is a password list used for?
6. Where are local Windows user accounts and password
hashes stored? 1 File
7. Where are linux/unix user accounts and passwords
stored? 2 Files
8. What is wireshark?
9. How does one practice exploitation? (Legally and
safely that is)
6)Most of the users will put their pet names,car Models,or
sequence of numbers as their passwords.Due to the
statistics women suffer from hacking more often than men.
Women tend to use vocabulary words.Look through the list
of frequently used passwords. Make sure your password
doesn\'t match any of them. If not and you aware of the
danger then fix it and make it safe.
If the user choosed any password automatically it will be
checked in those password files for if the user choosed
any common password.If he choosed commom password
which are available in the files automatically it will alert the
user for good security.

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5. What is a password list used for? 6. Where are local Windows user accounts and password hashes stored? 1 File 7. Where are linux/unix user accounts and passwords stored? 2 Files 8. What is wireshark? 9. How does one “practice” exploitation? (Legally and safely that is) Solution 6)Most of the users will put their pet names,car Models,or sequence of numbers as their passwords.Due to the statistics women suffer from hacking more often than men. Women tend to use vocabulary wor ds.Look through the list of frequently used passwords. Make sure your password doesn\'t match any of them. If no ...
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