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5 1Find two websites that discuss project closure and the steps in

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Find two websites that discuss project closure and the
steps involved.
Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to
the following:
Discuss how people in your organization close projects
What did you learn from the chapter and the websites
which you researched?
project closure meeting will be conducted among project
managers and all the the stakeholders to review the
project and check whether the project met all the
To deliver the project we need to customize the project to
the user and to ensure the product you created meets
project requirements.
Before closing the project, we analyse the project,finalize
the documents and deliver the project.
Analysing the project includes the project participants
looking back over the project successes and failures.
Conduct a group meeting or individual interviews of the

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people who worked on the project. Use the meeting to
review the projects outcomes.
Documentation need to be finalized to include the initial
project requirements,development phases and the testing
records.All the documentation records must be retained for
future reference for maintainence.We need to organize the
documentation information efficiently so that others can
locate the required information easily.
Delivering the project: This is the acutal final step which
requires to provide training to the end users on how to use
the project properly.
What I learned from the websites are:
The project closing process is generally phased
over a period of time, rather than being a single event.
Depending on the project type, project close out can begin
as deliverables are completed, phases closedThe project
manager must ensure that the sponsor and steering
committee understand and support the project closing
process to reduce final project implementation risks.
Need to archive all the project data:
Archive all project data in a central repository. Include best
practices, lessons learned, and any other relevant project

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5.1 Find two websites that discuss project closure and the steps involved. Navigate to the threaded discussion below and respond to the following: Discuss how people in your organization close projects today. What did you learn from the chapter and the websites which you researched? Solution project closure meeting will be conducted among project managers and all the the stakeholders to review the project and check whether the project met all the requirements. To deliver the project we need to c ustomize the project to the user and to ensure the product you created meets project requirements. Before closing the project, we analyse the project,finalize the documents and deliver the project. Analysing the project includes the project participants looking back over the project successes and failures. Conduct a group meeting or individual interviews of the people who worked on the projec ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
