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6 Consider the following recursive function int mystery (int numbe

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6. Consider the following recursive function: int mystery
(int number) //line 1 { If (number == 0) //line 2 return
number; //line 3 else //line 4 return (mystery(number + 1)
number; //line 5 }
a. Identify the base case
b. Identify the general case
c. What valid values can be passed as parameters to the
function mystery?
d. If mystery(0) is a valid call, what is the value? If not,
explain why.
e. If mystery(10) is a valid call, what is its value? If not,
explain why.
f. If mystery(-3) is a valid call, what is its value? If not,
explain why.
a. Identify the base case
b. Identify the general case
c. What valid values can be passed as parameters to the
function mystery?
d. If mystery(0) is a valid call, what is the value? If not,
explain why.
e. If mystery(10) is a valid call, what is its value? If not,
explain why.
f. If mystery(-3) is a valid call, what is its value? If not,
explain why.

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Given that,
Int mystery(int number)
return number;
return mystery(number+1)-number;
The base case for this function is,
if number=0 then it returns 0.
The general case for this function is,
if number !=0 then it returns [mystery(number+1)-number].
The function mystery(10) is not valid,eventhough it is
passing valid int value.
The reason for this is here the function checks for the
number value,whether it is equal to 0 or not,if not equals to
0 then it again calls the function with addion value and
subtracting the number from that.

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6. Consider the following recursive function: int mystery (int number) //line 1 { If (number == 0) //line 2 return number; //line 3 else //line 4 return (mystery(number + 1) – number; //line 5 } a. Identify the base case b. Identify the general case c. What valid values can be passed as parameters to the function mystery? d. If mystery(0) is a valid call, what is the value? If not, explain why. e. If mystery(10) is a valid call, what is its value? If not, explain why. f. If mystery(-3) is a valid call, what is its value? If not, explain why. a. Identify the base case b. Identify the general case c. What valid values can be passed as parameters to the function mystery? d. If mystery(0) is a valid call, what is the value? If not, explain why. e. If mystery(10) is a valid call, what is its value? If not, explain why. f. If mystery(-3) is a valid call, what is its value? If not, explain why. Solution Given that, Int mystery(int number) { if(number==0) return number; else return mystery(number+1)-number; } The base case for this function is, if number=0 then it returns 0. The general case for this function is, if number !=0 then it returns [mystery(number+1) -number]. The function ...
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