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79) Which of the following is NOT true about sorting query results o

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79) Which of the following is NOT true about sorting query
results on a single field? A) Sorting is the process of
rearranging records within a table in a specific order. B) By
default, records in a table or query are sorted by the
primary key field. C) To sort records, you have to select a
sort field, or a field used to determine the order of the
records. D) A field may be sorted either in ascending order
or descending order.
79) Which of the following is NOT true about sorting query
results on a single field?
A) Sorting is the process of rearranging records within a
table in a specific order.

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79) Which of the following is NOT true about sorting query results on a single field? A) Sorting is the process of rearranging records within a table in a specific order. B) By default, records in a table or query are sorted by the primary key field. C) To sort records, you have to select a sort fie ...
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