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8 What are concurrency design patterns Explain Solution8)w

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8. What are concurrency design patterns? Explain.
we have five concurrency design patterns:
First pattern is Active object design pattern. This pattern
decouples method invocation. This is to enhance
concurrency and simplify synchronized access to objects
that reside in their own threads of control.
Second pattern is Monitor pattern which synchronizes
concurrent method execution to ensure that only one
method at a time runs within an object. It allows obkect
methods to schedule their execution sequence.
Third pattern is haof sync / half async pattern which
decouples synchrounous and synchronous processing in
concurrent systems, so that it will simplify programmming
without reducing performance undudly.
Fourth pattern is Leader pattern which provides
concurrency model where multiple threads take turns to

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8. What are concurrency design patterns? Explain. Solution 8) we have five concurrency design patterns: ------------------------------------------------First pattern is Active object design pattern. This pattern decouples method invocation. This is to enhance concurrency and simplify synchronized access to objects that reside in their own threads of control. Second pattern is Monitor pattern which synchronizes concurrent method execution to ensure that only one method at a time runs within an object. It allows obkect methods to schedule their execution sequence. Third pattern is haof sync / ...
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