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8D (C Programming) How many dimensions does it array nums[] below ha

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8D (C Programming) How many dimensions does it array
nums[] below have? How many elements in each
dimension? What are the elements at each dimension? int
nums[2][3] = {{2, 4, 6}, {-9, -7, -5}}; Given an unsorted,
single-dimensional int array num[] of 5000 elements, write
a short C program using a doubly nested loop that sorts
the array in decreasing order.
nums[2][3], has 2 dimensions, hence it is 2-d array with 2
rows and 3 coloumns,
elements on rows : 2 4 6 , -9 -7 -5
elements on coloumns : 2 -9 , 4 -7 , 6 -5
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 5000
int main()
int num[SIZE]; // input array here
int i=0,j=0;

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8D (C Programming) How many dimensions does it array nums[] below have? How many elements in each dimension? What are the elements at each dimension? int nums[2][3] = {{2, 4, 6}, {-9, -7, -5}}; Given an unsorted, single-dimensional int array num[] of 5000 elements, write a short C program using a doubly nested loop that sorts the array in decreasing order. Solution 19) nums[2][3], has 2 dimensions, hence it is 2 -d array with 2 rows and 3 coloumns, elements on rows : 2 4 6 , -9 -7 -5 elements on coloumns : 2 -9 , 4 -7 , 6 -5 20) #include #define SIZE 5000 int main() { int num[SIZE] ...
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