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9 Determine the output of the following Pep8 machine language prog

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9. Determine the output of the following Pep/8 machine-
language program. The left column in each part is the
memory address of the first byte on the line:
0000 C1000E
0003 910010
0006 F1111D
0009 51000D
000C 00
000D 00
000E A94F
0010 FFFD
And please include comments to the right of each code of
; 1100 raaa Load register r from memory 0000
C1000C 1100 0011 - 000C LDA FirstNum,d ; A: = first
number ; 0001 100r NOT of Register R 0003 18 0001 1000
A = ~A ; 1111 raaa Store byte register r to memory 0004
F1111D 1111 0001 - 000B STA SecondNum ; store the
character ; 0101 0aaa Character Output from Operand
0007 51000D 0101 0001 - ; chararacter output 0000 ;000A
00 0000 0000 ; Stop ; Stop execution 000B 00 0000 0000 ;
Character to outpute ; 1111 raaa Store byte register r to
memory 0010 F0D4 1111 0000 - D4 ; ? SecondNum 000B

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9. Determine the output of the following Pep/8 machine language program. The left column in each part is the memory address of the first byte on the line: *(a) 0000 C1000E 0003 910010 0006 F1111D 0009 51000D 000C 00 000D 00 000E A94F 0010 FFFD And please include comments to the right of each code of line. Solution ; 1100 raaa Load register r from memory 0000 C1000C 1100 0011 - 000C LDA FirstNum,d ; A: = first number ; 0001 100r NOT of Register R 0003 18 0001 1000 A = ~A ; 1111 raaa Store byte register r to memory 0004 F1111D 1111 0001 - 000B STA SecondNum ; store the character ; 0101 0aaa Ch ...
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