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9 List four interface design issues present in the development of m

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9. List four interface design issues present in the
development of most user interfaces?
The interface design issues are:
There are four interface design issues they are
1) Access and short cut keys 2) Bit maps and Icons 3) UI
controls 4) Messages.
Access and shortcut keys: Short cut keys doesnot contains
characters from the double bite character.
Bitmaps and Icons: These functionality dont use in text
when working with bit maps and icons consider of following
rules. Bit maps which are not international standards avoid
using them. And we need to check whether the Access key
and short cut key are there are not. Limitation of this
functionality is ude function keys and numbers instead of
letters in short cut keys.
UI controls: There are so many UI controls like buttons,
List boxes, Combo boxes etc.,These are the building
blocks of dailogue boxes.
- Hiding a control behind another control is not the correct

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9. List four interface design issues present in the development of most user interfaces? Solution The interface design issues are: There are four interface design issues they are 1) Access and short cut keys 2) Bit maps and Icons 3) UI controls 4) Messages. Access and shortcut keys: Short cut keys doesnot contains characters from the double bite character. Bitmaps and Icons: These functionality dont use in text when working with bit maps and icons consider of following rules. Bit maps which are not international standards avoid using them. And we need to check whether the Access key and shor ...
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