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9 2, answer following question in 5 to 8 sentences Briefly define F

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9.2, answer following question in 5 to 8 sentences. Briefly
define FCFS scheduling and round-robin scheduling
Coming to the Point of FCFS , that means it is First Come
First Serve Scheduling .In this process the Jobs can be
executed on first come, first serve basis. It is non
primitive, so whenever any process is started then other
process can be waiting in the Queue till the Completion of
execution of first process. It can be provide the average
Performance Compare with any scheduling algorithm. But
also taken waiting time is more.
Round Robbin
Coming to the Point of Round Robbin Scheduling is
primitive. In this case each process of thread can be
access to the CPU for one time quantum, here everything
taken in the form of quantum.

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9.2, answer following question in 5 to 8 sentences. Briefly define FCFS scheduling and round -robin scheduling Solution Answer FCFS Coming to the Point of FCFS , that means it is First Come First Serve Scheduling .In this process the Jobs can be executed on first come, first serve basis. It is non primitive, so whenever any process is started then other process can be waiting in the Queue till the Completion of execution of first process. It can be provide the average Performance Compare with any scheduling algorithm. But also taken waiting time is more. Round Robbin Coming to the Point of ...
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