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A computer has a 16 bit word length, and all instructions are one

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A computer has a 16-bit word length, and all instructions
are one word in length. The register file of the computer
has 8 registers. For a format with two register address
fields, one memory field, and a maximum of 100 opcodes,
what is the maximum number of memory address bits
A computer has a 16-bit word length, and all instructions
are one word in length. The register file of the computer
has 8 registers. For a format with two register address
fields, one memory field, and a maximum of 100 opcodes,
what is the maximum number of memory address bits
computer is a 16-bit word length.
Register file has 8 registers.
2 register address fields + one memory field + 100
==> (2 x 16) + (1 x 16) + 100 ===> 32 + 16 + 100 ==> 148

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A computer has a 16-bit word length, and all instructions are one word in length. The register file of the computer has 8 registers. For a format with two register address fields, one memory field, and a maximum of 100 opcodes, what is the maximum number of memory address bits available? A computer has a 16-bit word length, and all instructions are one word in length. The register file of the computer has 8 registers. For a format with two register address fields, one memory field, and a max imum of 100 opcodes, what is the maximum number of memory address bits available? Solution computer i ...
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