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A computer has a three stage pipeline On each clock cycle, one new

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A computer has a three-stage pipeline. On each clock
cycle, one new instruction is fetched from memory at the
address pointed to by the PC and put into the pipeline and
the PC advanced. Each instruction occupies exactly one
memory word. The instructions already in the pipeline are
each advanced one stage. When an interrupt occurs, the
current PC is pushed on to the stack, and the PC is set to
the address of interrupt handler. Then the pipeline is
shifted right one stage and the first instruction of the
interrupt handler is fetched into the pipeline. Does this
machine have precise interrupts? Defend your answer.
dear this question and its answer is posted in this
Question 3 [10 points]
(Based on question A.5 in your book, from Appendix A.)
For these problems, we will explore a pipeline for
aregister-memory architecture. The
architecture has two instruction formats: a register-
registerformat and a register-memory format.

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In the register-memory format, one of the operands for an
ALUinstruction could come from
memory. There is a single memory-addressing mode
(offset + baseregister).
The only non-branch register-memory instructions
available have theformat:
Op Rdest, Rsrc1, Rsrc2
Op Rdest, Rsrc1, MEM
where Op is one of the following: Add, Subtract, And, Or,
Load (inwhich case Rsrc1 is ignored),
or Store. Rsrc1, Rsrc2, and Rdest are registers. MEM is a
(baseregister, offset) pair. Branches
compare two registers and, depending on the outcome of
thecomparison, move to a target
address. The target address can be specified as a PC-
relativeoffset or in a register (with no
offset). Assume that the pipeline structure of the machine
is asfollows:
The first ALU stage is used for effective address
calculation formemory references and branches.
The second ALU stage is used for operations and branch
comparison.RF is both a decode and
register-fetch stage. Assume that when a register read

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A computer has a three-stage pipeline. On each clock cycle, one new instruction is fetched from memory at the address pointed to by the PC and put into the pipeline and the PC advanced. Each instruction occupies exactly one memory word. The instructions already in the pipeline are each advanced one stage. When an interrupt occurs, the current PC is pushed on to the stack, and the PC is set to the address of interrupt handler. Then the pipeline is shifted right one stage and the first instruct ion of the interrupt handler is fetched into the pipeline. Does this machine have precise interrupts? Defend your answer. Solution Ans; dear this question and its answer is posted in this site on.pdf Question 3 [10 points] (Based on question A.5 in your book, from Appendix A.) For these problems, we will explore a pipeline for aregister-memory ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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