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A constellation diagram has two points located at (2,0) and (3,0) on

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A constellation diagram has two points located at (2,0) and
(3,0) on the I(in-phase)-Q(quadrature phase) plane. Find
the value of peak amplitude and the type of modulation this
diagram represents.
Value of peak amplitude for both points is same which is
equal to 3. But there is a phase shift of 180 degrees
between both points.It represents Binary phase shift
keying modulation technique.
This is BPSK, There is only one peak amplitude (3). The
distance between each dot and the origin is 3. However,
we have two phases, 0 and 180 degrees.

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A constellation diagram has two points located at (2,0) and (3,0) on the I(in-phase)-Q(quadrature phase) plane. Find the value of peak amplitude and the type of modulation this diagram represents. Solution Ans; Value of peak amplitude for both points is same which is equal to 3. But there is a pha ...
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