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A constructor may have a return type of intboolvoid  

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A constructor may have a return type of ________.
Any of the above
None of the above
In an ADT the implementation details are ________ the
interface through which a program uses it.
a part of
determined by
kept separate from
used by
None of the above
The ________ statement acts like a chain of if statements.
Each performs its test, one after the other, until one of
them is found to be true.
if/not if
if/else if
The cin object must be followed by ________.
a single stream insertion (<<) operator
no operators.
a single stream extraction (>>) operator
one or more stream insertion operators (<<)
one or more stream extraction (>>) operators
Every C++ program must have ________.
a function called main.
All of the above
In C++, a value can be raised to a power by using

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the ** operator
the power operator
the ^ operator
the pow function
the square function
In a C++ program, two slash marks ( // ) indicate the
beginning of ________.
a block of code
a comment
a variable definition
a program
None of the above
In an ADT the implementation details are ________ the
interface through which a program uses it.
a part of
determined by
kept separate from
used by
None of the above
Overloaded functions are functions ________.
that attempt to do too much in a single function
with the same name and same parameter lists
that do different things depending on who calls them
with the same name but different parameter lists
with too many parameters
The ________ operator is known as the logical OR
Which of the following expressions will evaluate to 2.5?
static_cast<double>(5 / 2)
static_cast<double>(5) / 2
5 / static_cast<double>(2)
All three of the above

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A constructor may have a return type of ________. int bool void Any of the above None of the above In an ADT the implementation details are ________ the interface through which a program uses it. a part of determined by kept separate from used by None of the above The ________ statement acts like a chain of if statements. Each performs its test, one after the other, until one of them is found to be true. if/endif if/else if/then if/not if if/else if The cin object must be followed by ________. a single stream insertion () operator one or more stream insertion operators () operators Every C++ program must have ________. comments variables constants a function called main. All of the above In C++, a value can be raised to a power by using ________. the ** operator the power operator the ^ operator the pow function the square function In a C++ program, two slash marks ( // ) indicate the beginning of ________. a block of code a comment a variable definition a program None of the above In an ADT the implementation details are ________ the interface through which a program uses it. a part of determined by kept separate from used by None of the above Overloaded functions are functions ________. that attempt to do too much in a single function with the same name and same parameter lists that do different things depending on who calls them with the same name but different parameter lists w ...
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