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A county collects property taxs o the assssment value of proprty, wh

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A county collects property taxs o the assssment value of
proprty, which is 60 prcnt of the proprty\'s actual value. If
an acre of land is valued at $10,000, its assssment value
is $6,000. The property tax is then $0.75 for each $100 of
the assssmnt valu. Th tx for th acre assessed at $6,000
will b $45.00. Write a GUI program thata displays th
assssment value and property tax whn a user entrs the
actual value of th property. (Using Python)
Write a GUI programthatadisplaysthassssmentvalue and
property taxwhna userentrsthe actual value of th property
def main():
assessment_value = to_assessment_value(input
(\"Enter the actual value of the property: $\"))
print \"\"\"The assessment value is: $%1.2f
The property tax is: $%1.2f\"\"\" % (assessment_value,
def to_assessment_value(actual_value):
\"\"\" takes assesment value returning assesment
value \"\"\"
return actual_value * .6

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def property_tax(assessment_value):
\"\"\" return the tax of .64 % from property assesment
value \"\"\"
return assessment_value / 100.0 * .64 ## notice
100.0 not 100 to avoid integer division of Python 2
main ()
def actualValued(actualValue):
assessed_value = 0.6 * actualValue
property_tax = assessed_value/100*0.64
return assessed_value, property_tax
# get your actual value from user input e.g.
value = raw_input(\'Give actual value: \')
value = float(value)
assessed, tax = actualValued(value)
print( \"For a property valued at\"), valued
print( \"The assessed value is\"), asessed
print( \"The property tax is\"), tax

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A county collects property taxs o the assssment value of proprty, which is 60 prcnt of the proprty \'s actual value. If an acre of land is valued at $10,000, its assssment value is $6,000. The property tax is then $0.75 for each $100 of the assssmnt valu. Th tx for th acre assessed at $6,000 will b $45.00. Write a GUI program thata displays th assssment value and property tax whn a user entrs the actual value of th property. (Using Python) Solution Write a GUI programthatadisplaysthassss mentvalue and property taxwhna userentrsthe actual value of th property def main(): assessment_value = to_assessment_value(input (\"Enter the actual value of the property: $ \")) print \"\"\"The assessment value is: $%1.2f The property tax is: $%1.2f\"\"\" % (assessment_value, property_tax(assessment_value)) def to_assessment_value(actual_value): \"\"\" takes assesment value returning assesment value \ ...
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