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A customer calls you and admits to adjusting the advanced chipset se

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A customer calls you and admits to adjusting the advanced
chipset settings on his motherboard to nondefault settings,
and his system has now become unstable. He doesnt want
to attempt to change the settings back to their original
values out of concern he will make matters worse. You
visit his home to make the chipset setting changes
yourself. How can you perform this action?
A. By resetting the jumper for the northside chipset on the
B. By resetting the jumper for the southside chipset on the
C. By making the changes on the Advanced Chipset
Features screen in the BIOS.
D. By removing and replacing the power supply connection
to the motherboard to reset the chipset to the default
C. The Advanced Chipset Features screen under Advanced
BIOS Features lets you change the settings for the chipset
buffers. You almost never change these settings unless
you are extremely well versed in their operation, and doing
so if you dont know what youre doing can make your
computer system unstable.

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A customer calls you and admits to adjusting the advanced chipset settings on his motherboard to nondefault settings, and his system has now become unstable. He doesn’t want to attempt to change the settings back to their original values out of concern he will make matters worse. You visit his home to make the chipset setting changes yourself. How can you perform this action? A. By resetting the jumper for the northside chipset on the motherboard. B. By resetting the jumper for the southside chip set on the motherboard. C. By making the changes on the Advanced Chipset Features screen in the ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
