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A Cybersecurity Point of View MaybePlease watch the first 30 m

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A Cybersecurity Point of View... Maybe?
Please watch the first 30 minutes of this video. Write about
your reaction/thoughts/opinions concerning the
presenters\' point of view. Discuss whether you
agree/disagree with the points of view and if so concerning
what aspects of their collective perspective. Remember to
cite sources and to respond to at least two of your
Must be atleast 200 words
Yes, i agree with presenter\'s point of view. With the
increase of technology development, threat for various
cyber crime increase now a days. Hackers now a days
trying to develop cyber weapons that can be used against
any country to demolish their economical as well as
technical growth. That is why goverment has taken this
issue very seriously and started think on resolving these
issue. In current scenarios there are various techniques
that hackers are using to do the cyber crime. The various
techniques are given below:
1) man-in-the-middle: In this type of attack, the intruder

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insert himself or insert any malicious code between the
secure communication of two parties. This malicious code
act as an third party, and its get the secure information
that is being transfer between the two parties. Its third
person or the intruder having access to the information
send by both the parties involve in the communication.
2) mail bombing: Its refer to attack in which intruder try to
send bulk of mails to the person\'s system, which may
cause to disk full on persons system or even can crash the
server, which is handling the mails. In this type of attack,
the main aim is to crash the user\'s machine by fulling the
disk space or can crash or stop the mail server.
3) War dialing: In this type of attack, hacker\'s uses the
modem\'s to dial the range of numbers, for finding the
computer machiner, servers and other devices. and after
dialing they also get access to these type of devices.
4) Ping to death: Its a type of attack, in which the hacker
send the incorrect ping packet to the user. There are
various computer system which are designed not to handle
the incorrect ping packets. Which results into system crash
or system going into the abnormal state.
5) teardrop: Its a type of attack, in which the hacker sends
the packets in incorrect way or in the fragmented way, that
the end user is not able to reassemble these packets at
their end, and results into the system crash and denial of

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A Cybersecurity Point of View... Maybe? Please watch the first 30 minutes of this video. Write about your reaction/thoughts/opinions concerning the presenters\' point of view. Discuss whether you agree/disagree with the points of view and if so concerning what aspects of their collective perspective. Remember to cite sources and to respond to at least two of your classmates. Must be atleast 200 words Solution Yes, i agree with presenter\'s point of view. With the increase of technology development, threat for various cyber crime increase now a days. Hackers now a days trying to develop cyber weapons that can be used against any country to demolish their economical as well as technical growth. That is why goverment has taken this issue very seriously and started think on resolving these issue. In current scenarios there are various techniques that hackers are using to do the cyber crime. The various techniques are given below: 1) man-in-the-middle: In this type of attack, the intruder insert himself or insert any malicious code between the secure communication of two parties. This malicious code act as an third party, and its get the se ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.
