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A department store plans to upgrade its IT infrastructure to support

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A department store plans to upgrade its IT infrastructure to
support a new order-processing application with rich
features. The store currently uses eight stand-alone
computers when customers check out. The specifications
of these computers are: Quad core processors Minimum
of one terabyte hard drives Minimum of 5 GB RAM
Windows XP, Linux, or Mac OSX The management of the
store wants to upgrade four of the computers and use them
to process client orders. The initial study done by the
management reveals that the computers will perform the
following tasks: Run an order-processing application that
requires a multiprocessing operating system. The
application will take orders from customers over the
Internet, process the orders, and create invoices.
Communicate with customers using e-mail to resolve
customer queries. Store customer data on the local
computer. The store will use this data to promote new
products. The department store needs you to upgrade the
four computers. Find the necessary equipment from online
vendors to upgrade the computers. submit a listing of what
features need to be upgraded or added and your
justification, an estimated cost report for the upgrades as
well as a list of hardware/software needed. These can
include external peripheral devices. Make sure to include
the list of vendors that you used as references.
Your question is phrased like a high school word

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A department store plans to upgrade its IT infrastructure to support a new order-processing application with rich features. The store currently uses eight stand -alone computers when customers check out. The specifications of these computers are: •Quad core processors •Minimum of one terabyte hard drives •Minimum of 5 GB RAM •Windows XP, Linux, or Mac OSX The management of the store wants to upgrade four of the computers and use them to process client orders. The initial study done by the management reveals that the computers will perform the following tasks: •Run an order-processing ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
