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A description about the tool used to perform the scan •A list of ide

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A description about the tool used to perform the scan A
list of identified target host(s) in your lab environment
What running services are detected on each (include
version numbers if possible) What the detected operating
system of the servers is
The finger daemon runs on TCP port 79. The client will (in
the case of remote hosts) open a connection to port 79. An
RUIP (Remote User Information Program) is started on the
remote end of the connection to process the request. The
local host sends the RUIP one line query based upon the
Finger query specification, and waits for the RUIP to
respond. The RUIP receives and processes the query,
returns an answer, then initiates the close of the
connection. The local host receives the answer and the
close signal, then proceeds closing its end of the
The Finger user information protocol is based on RFC
1288 (The Finger User Information Protocol, December
1991). Typically the server side of the protocol is
implemented by a program fingerd (for finger daemon),

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A description about the tool used to perform the scan •A list of identified target host(s) in your lab environment •What running services are detected on each (include version numbers if possible) •What the detected operating system of the servers is Solution The finger daemon runs on TCP port 79. The client will (in the case of remote hosts) open a connection to port 79. An RUIP (Remote User Information Program) is started on the remote end of the connection to process the request. The local host sends the RUIP one line query based upon the Finger query specification, and waits for th ...
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