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A machine shop has two automatic milling machines Machines’ operati

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A machine shop has two automatic milling machines.
Machines’ operation output data is in XML format. To
improve the energy efficiency of the machines, operation
data of power consumption and time stamps for each
operation need to be extracted from the XML file. The
extracted data will be calculated and then saved for
analysis and comparison.Find a solution in software for
this problem Save extracted time stamps and data into a
data file Calculate the average power consumption of each
operation download link to xml file :
#include \"stdafx.h\" using namespace System; using
namespace System::Text; using namespace
System::Collections::Generic; using namespace
namespace CPPUnitTest { [TestClass] public ref
class UnitTest { private:
TestContext^ testContextInstance; public:
/// ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test
run. /// property

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xt^ TestContext {
xt^ get() { return
testContextInstance; }
ontext^ value) {
testContextInstance = value; }
}; #pragma region Additional test attributes
// //You can use the following additional attributes
as you write your tests: // //Use
ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in
the class //[ClassInitialize()] //static void
MyClassInitialize(TestContext^ testContext) {}; //
//Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class
have run //[ClassCleanup()] //static void
MyClassCleanup() {}; // //Use TestInitialize
to run code before running each test
//[TestInitialize()] //void MyTestInitialize() {};
// //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test
has run //[TestCleanup()] //void
MyTestCleanup() {}; // #pragma endregion
[TestMethod] void TestMethod1() {
// // TODO: Add test logic here //
}; }; }

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A machine shop has two automatic milling machines. Machines’ operation output data is in XML format. To improve the energy efficiency of the machines, operation data of power consumption and time stamps for each operation need to be extracted from the XML file. The extracted data will be calculated and then saved for analysis and comparison.Find a solution in software for this problem Save extracted time stamps and data into a data file Calculate the average power consumption of each operation download link to xml file : 0 Solution #include \"stdafx.h\" using namespace System; using namespace System::Text; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::TestTools::UnitTesting; namespace CPPUnitTest { class UnitTest { [TestClass] private: TestContext^ testContextInstance; /// public ref ...
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