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A medical manufacturing company wants to computerize some of the job

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A medical manufacturing company wants to computerize
some of the job processes currently performed manually by
its employees. You are hired as an interface design
professional to come up with a user interface. You have
been given limited information about employee job
functions. You do know that there are three departments
and each has at least two primary functions. Create a
project plan for providing a preliminary prototype to
present to management. In other words, what steps would
you take to develop an initial prototype (based on the
limited information you are given, any assumptions you
might make)? Also, what would your timeline for
development and presentation look like? Don\'t forget to
add in any time that might be necessary to make changes
to the prototype after you meet with management. What
might you need to do in order to gather additional
information necessary in order to create the prototype?
A medical manufacturing company wants to computerize
some of the job processes currently performed manually by
its employees. You are hired as an interface design
professional to come up with a user interface. You have
been given limited information about employee job
functions. You do know that there are three departments
and each has at least two primary functions. Create a

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A medical manufacturing company wants to computerize some of the job processes currently performed manually by its employees. You are hired as an interface design professional to come up with a user interface. You have been given limited information about employee job functions. You do know that there are three departments and each has at least two primary functions. Create a project plan for providing a preliminary prototype to present to management. In other words, what steps would you take to develop an initial prototype (based on the limited information you are given, any assumptions you m ...
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