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A medium sized manufacturing company owns locations in three States

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A medium-sized manufacturing company owns locations in
three States. Their computer system is distributed
throughout these locations with excess capacity and floor
space at the farthest location. The company has an outage
tolerance or recovery time objective of 7 days. They expect
no changes to this configuration for at least 5 years.
Discuss and recommend the most appropriate recovery
the most appropriate recovery strategies are:
1)Recovery Time Objective (RTO):
Atleast to be set in a read only mode but the main aim is
set the system to the safe modeand start the process.
2)Recovery Point Objective (RPO):
This is used to gather the information how much data has
been lost due to the adverse effect.
3)use cloud computing technology by using service level
4)Back up the system and place the entire data in a secure
5)Maimum utilization of computers which are far away to
restore the data

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A medium-sized manufacturing company owns locations in three States. Their computer system is distributed throughout these locations with excess capacity and floor space at the farthest location. The company has an outage tolerance or recovery time objective of 7 days. They expect no changes to this configuration for at least 5 years. Discuss and recommend the most appropriate recovery strategies. Solution the most appropriate recovery strategies are: 1)Recovery Time Objective (RTO): Atleast to be set in a read only mode but the main aim is set the system to the safe modeand start the proces ...
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