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A method String toGibberish() that returns a String containing the

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A method String toGibberish() that returns a String
containing the \'gibberish\' version of the instance variable.
The rules for translating a word into gibberish are: If the
word begins with a consonant, follow the first letter with
\'itha\', and place a \'g\' before the rest of the original
word. So the word \'big\' would translate to \'bithagig\'. If
the word begins with a vowel, place \'itha\' at the front, and
put a \'g\' in front of the original word. So the word \'is\'
becomes \'ithagis\'. A method String reverse() that returns
a String that contains the characters of the instance
variable, but in reverse. A method int
numCharOccurrences(char ch) that returns a count of the
number of times the parameter char ch occurs in the
instance variable.
package org.students;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Gibberish {
//Declaring static Variables
public static String str;
public static char[] temparray;
public static void main(String[] args) {

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//Scanner object is used to get the inputs from the
Scanner sc1=new Scanner(;
//Calling a method.
String str1=toGibberish();
System.out.println(\"The Gibberish String
is:\"+str1+\"\ \");
//Calling a method.
String revstr=reverse();
System.out.print(\"Enter a Character :\");
//Calling a method.
int nooftimes=numCharOccurrences(ch);
System.out.println(\"\ No of Times \'\"+ch+\"\' occurs
in the string:\"+nooftimes);
//Method which count the no of occurrences of a character
in char array
private static int numCharOccurrences(char ch) {
int count=0;
for(int i=0;i<temparray.length;i++)

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A method String toGibberish() that returns a String containing the \'gibberish\' version of the instance variable. The rules for translating a word into gibberish are: If the word begins with a consonant, follow the first letter with \'itha\', and place a \'g\' before the rest of the original word. So the word \'big\' would translate to \'bithagig\'. If the word begins with a vowel, place \'itha\' at the front, and put a \'g\' in front of the original word. So the word \'is\' becomes \'ithagis\'. A method String reverse() that returns a String that contains the characters of the instance variable, but in reverse. A method int numCharOccurrences(char ch) that returns a count of the number of times the parameter char ch occurs in the instance variable. Solution package org.students; import java.util.Scanner; public class Gibberish { //Declaring static Variables public static String str; public static char[] temparray; public static void main(String[] args) { //Scanner object is used to get the inputs from the user. Scanner sc1=new Scanner(; //Calling a method. String str1=toGibberish(); System.out.println(\"The Gibberish String is:\"+str1+\"\ \"); //Calling a method. String revstr=reverse(); System.out.print(\"Enter a Character :\"); char\".\").charAt(0); //Calling a method. int nooftimes=numCharOccurrences(ch); System.out.println(\"\ No of Times \'\"+ch+\"\' occurs in the string:\"+nooftimes); } //Method which count the no of occurr ...
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