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A momentary pushbutton switch is connected to a PLC input Te easies

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A momentary pushbutton switch is connected to a PLC
input. Te easiest way to have it operate as if it is a
maintained switch (i.e. push on, push off) in software is to
use what type of flip flop: RS type, D type, T type, JK type.
RS type flip flop is needed to maintain a pushbutton switch
as R-S flip-flop function can be easily implemented in the
software, but it would still use two inputs of the chip, and
I/O is simply too valueable for this purpose.

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A momentary pushbutton switch is connected to a PLC input. Te easiest way to have it operate as if it is a maintained switch (i.e. push on, push off) in software is to use what type of flip flop: RS type, D type, T type, JK type. Solution RS type flip flop is needed to maintain a pushbutton switch ...
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