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A multiprocessor consists of 100 processors If 10 of the code is s

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A multiprocessor consists of 100 processors. If 10% of the
code is sequential and 90% is parallelizable, what will be
the maximum speedup when running this program on this
A. ~10.00
B. ~9.17
C. ~100.00
D. ~90.00
What is the primary reason for using parallel computing?
A. Parallel computing is a natural way of programming
B. We cannot rely on increasing the speed of CPU to meet
the needs for more computational power
C. Hardware technology makes building supercomputers
D. Parallel computing is another programming paradigm
If the sequential fraction of a program is f and the number
of processors used to run a parallelized version
of the program is allowed to increase indefinitely, the
theoretical limitation on the speedup is
A. f
B. 1/f
C. 1/(1-f)
D. 1-f
1.Maximum Speedup is ~10.00 (ie chocie A)
2.Answer is Parallel Computing is a natural way of

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A multiprocessor consists of 100 processors. If 10% of the code is sequential and 90% is parallelizable, what will be the maximum speedup when running this program on this multiprocessor? A. ~10.00 B. ~9.17 C. ~100.00 D. ~90.00 What is the primary reason for using parallel computing? A. Parallel computing is a natural way of programming B. We cannot rely on increasing the speed of CPU to meet the needs for more computational power C. Hardware technology makes building superco mputers feasible D. Parallel computing is another programming paradigm If the sequential fraction of a program is f and ...
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