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A network management system can communicate with a managed device us

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A network management system can communicate with a
managed device using a request-response protocol or a
trap mechanism. What are the pros and cons of these two
methods? explain in 300 words. this question was asked
from top down network design by priscilla oppenheimer
Trap Mechanism: In trap mechanism, a trap message is
being sent by the management system to the managing
device. And the management system does not expect a
reply back from the managing device.
Advantages: 1) Its fast in nature
2) Not much complex
DisAdvatages: 1)Not a full proof mechanism
2)Not expect a response from managing device, which not
a very good implementation.
Request-Response Mechanism: Here the request comes
from management system to the managing device, and
response is also sent from managing device to the
management system.
Advantages: 1) Example of a good implementation

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A network management system can communicate with a managed device using a request-response protocol or a trap mechanism. What are the pros and cons of these two methods? explain in 300 words. this question was asked from top down network design by priscilla oppenheimer Solution Trap Mechanism: In trap mechanism, a trap message is being sent by the management system to the managing device. And the management system does not expect a reply back from the managing device. Advantages: 1) Its fast in nature 2) Not much complex DisAdvatages: 1)Not a full proof mechanism 2)Not expect a response from ...
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