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A newly hired junior security administrator will assume your positio

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A newly hired junior security administrator will assume
your position temporarily while you are on vacation. Youre
trying to explain the basics of access control and the
functionality of rule based access control mechanism such
as ACL. Which of the following best describes the order in
which an ACL operates?
A. ACLs apply all deny statements before allow
B. Rule based access control and role based access
control is basically the same thing.
C. ACLs end with an implicit deny all statement
D. ACLs are processed from the bottom up.
C. ACLs have an implicit deny all statement. As an
example, if the ACL only had one statement \"Deny ICMP
any any\" ICMP would be denied, however the implicit deny
all would block all other traffic

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A newly hired junior security administrator will assume your position temporarily while you are on vacation. You’re trying to explain the basics of access control and the functionality of rule based access control mechanism such as ACL. Which of the following best describes the order in which an A ...
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