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A painting company has determined that for every 115 square feet of

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A painting company has determined that for every 115
square feet of wall space, 1 gallon of paint and 8 hours of
labor will be required. The company charges $20.00 per
hour for labor.Create an application that allows the user to
enter the square feet of wall space to be painted and the
price of the paint per gallon.
PER_HOUR = 20.00
def main():
sq_feet = int(input(\'Enter square feet of wall space to
be painted: \'))
gallon_price = float(input(\'Enter the cost of paint per
gallon: \'))
estimation(sq_feet, gallon_price)
def estimation(sq_feet, gallon_price):
# The number of gallons of paint required
total_paint = sq_feet / 115
# The hours of labor required
hours_labor = total_paint * 8

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A painting company has determined that for every 115 square feet of wall space, 1 gallon of paint and 8 hours of labor will be required. The company charges $20.00 per hour for labor.Create an application that allows the user to enter the square feet of wall space to be painted and the price of the paint per gallon. Solution PER_HOUR = 20.00 def main(): sq_feet = int(input(\'Enter square feet of wall space to be painted: \')) gallon_price = float(input(\'Enter the cost of paint per gallon: \')) estimation(sq_feet, gallon_price) def estimation(sq_feet, gallon_price): # • The number of gallo ...
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