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A patient’s home communication network is part of which networka)

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A patients home communication network is part of which
a) BAN
b) MAN
c) WAN
d) LAN
e) All of the above
Please explain...
wireless body area network
wban is a wireless network of wearable computer
devices.ban devices can be implanted or may be
accompanied devices which user can ware on hand.
ban system can use wpan wireless technologies to
communicte with long rangers.
application of ban are expected to appear on healthcare
domain where we have to regularly monitor the health
conditions of patients suffering from chronic diseases like
asthama, diabetics and heart attacks.

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A patient’s home communication network is part of which network? a) BAN b) MAN c) WAN d) LAN e) All of the above Please explain... Solution WBAN: wireless body area network wban is a wireless network of wearable computer devices.ban devices can be implanted or may be accompanied devices which user can ware on hand. ban system can use wpan wireless technologies to communicte with long rangers. application of ban are expected to appear on healthcare domain where we have to regularly monitor the health conditions of patients suffering from chronic diseases like asthama, diabetics and heart ...
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