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A person have been diagnosed as having irreversible kidney failure

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A person have been diagnosed as having irreversible
kidney failure. Which system of the body is involved in this
condition? What functions has the person lost? What are
treating options?
A person have been diagnosed as having irreversible
kidney failure. Which system of the body is involved in this
condition? What functions has the person lost? What are
treating options?
Kidney Failure :-
Kidney failure, which is also known as renal failure or renal
in-sufficiency, is a medical condition of impaired kidney
function in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter
metabolic wastes from the blood.
Classification :-
There are two main forms are Acute kidney injury, which is
often reversible with adequate treatment, and Chronic

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A person have been diagnosed as having irreversible kidney failure. Which system of the body is involved in this condition? What functions has the person lost? What are treating options? A person have been diagnosed as having irreversible kidney failure. Which system of the body is involved in this condition? What functions has the person lost? What are treating options? Solution Kidney Failure :Kidney failure, which is also known as renal failure or renal in-sufficiency, is a medical conditi on of impaired kidney function in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter metabolic wastes from ...
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