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A simple program that takes a list of actions (say [ROCK, PAPER, SCI

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A simple program that takes a list of actions (say [ROCK,
MOUSE] ) that plays like rock, paper, scissors where each
option is beaten by some and beats some consistently.
The program should ask the user for a selection and have
the computer randomly pick one. Then it should determine
the winner. For the above question I want to see how you
tackle problems and possibly how you write code. I\'m
looking for an explanation, high-level, of how solution
program might work to tackle these problems. If you want
to write a outline explanation, that\'s great. If you want to
write some pseudo-code to answer the problems, that\'s
awesome too. If writing full-fledged C++, C# or Java is
easier for you, by all means, please write it all out. We are
interested in how you apply problem solving thinking to
/* C++ code for playinmg a game of rock paper scissors
between player and computer */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>

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using namespace std;
int main()
// variable to count how many times computer and player
won and display at the end the ties as well
int player = 0;
int computer = 0;
int tie = 0;
char playagain;
// variables for user choice and computer choice
int userChoice;
int computerChoice;
// taking input from user
cout << \"\ 1.Rock\ 2.Paper\ 3.Scissors\ \" << endl;
cout << \"Enter your choice: \";
cin >> userChoice;
if(userChoice == 1)
cout << \"You chose: \" << \"Rock\" << endl;
else if(userChoice == 2)
cout << \"You chose: \" << \"Paper\" << endl;
else if(userChoice == 3)
cout << \"You chose: \" << \"Scissors\" << endl;

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A simple program that takes a list of actions (say [ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS] or [BIRD, TIGER, WHALE, KITTEN, MOUSE] ) that plays like rock, paper, scissors where each option is beaten by some and beats some consistently. The program should ask the user for a selection and have the computer randomly pick one. Then it should determine the winner. For the above question I want to see how you tackle problems and possibly how you write code. I \'m looking for an explanation, high-level, of how solution program might work to tackle these problems. If you want to write a outline explanation, that \'s great. If you want to write some pseudo-code to answer the problems, that \'s awesome too. If writing full-fledged C++, C# or Java is easier for you, by all means, ple ase write it all out. We are interested in how you apply problem solving thinking to these. Solution /* C++ code for playinmg a game of rock paper scissors between player and computer */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // variable to count how many times computer and player won and display at the end the ties as well int player = 0; int computer = 0; int tie = 0; char playagain; while(true) { // variables for user choice and computer choice int userChoice; int computerChoice; // taking input from user cout ...
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