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2Which of the following is poor designA A method must be invok

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Which of the following is poor design?
A. A method must be invoked after/before invoking another
method in the same class.
B. A data field is derived from other data fields in the same
C. A method is an instance method, but it does not
any instance data fields or invoke
instance methods.
D. A parameter is passed from a constructor to initialize a
static data field.
The java.lang.Number and its subclasses are introduced in
Chapter 11. Analyze the following
Number numberRe
f = new Integer(0);
Double doubleRef = (Double)numberRef;
A. A runtime class casting exception occurs, since
numberRef is not an instance of Double.
B. The program runs fine, since Integer is a subclass of
C. You can convert an int to doubl
e, so you can cast an Integer instance to a Double
D. There is no such class named Integer. You should use
the class Int.
E. The compiler detects that numberRef is not an instance
of Double.
Which of the following statements are correct?
A. Double i = 4.5;
B. Integer i = 4.5;
C. Number i = 4.5;

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D. Object i = 4.5;
Which of the following statements are true?
A. If you compile an interface without errors, but with
warnings, a .class file is created for the
B. If you compi
le a class with errors, a .class file is created for the class.
C. If you compile an interface without errors, a .class file is
created for the interface.
D. If you compile a class without errors but with warnings,
a .class file is created.
Analyze t
he following code.
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.util.Date x = new java.util.Date();
java.util.Date y = x.clone();
System.out.println(x = y);
A. x = y in System.out.println(x = y) causes a compile
error because you cannot have an
assignment statement inside a statement.
B. A java.util.Date object is not cloneable.
C. The program has a compile error because the return
type of the clone() method is
x = y in System.out.println(x = y) causes a runtime error
because you cannot have an
assignment statement inside a statement.

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2 Which of the following is poor design? A. A method must be invoked after/before invoking another method in the same class. B. A data field is derived from other data fields in the same class. C. A method is an instance method, but it does not reference any instance data fields or invoke instance methods. D. A parameter is passed from a constructor to initialize a static data field. 3 The java.lang.Number and its subclasses are introduced in Chapter 11. Analyze the following code. Number numberRe f = new Integer(0); Double doubleRef = (Double)numberRef; A. A runtime class casting exception occurs, since numberRef is not an instance of Double. B. The program runs fine, since Integer is a subclass of Double. C. You can convert an int to doubl e, so you can cast an Integer instance to a Double instance. D. There is no such class named Integer. You should use the class Int. E. The compiler detects that numberRef is not an instance of Double. 4 Which of the following statements are correct? A. Double i = 4.5; B. Integer i = 4.5; C. Number i = 4.5; D. Object i = 4.5; 5 Which of the following statements are true? A. If you compile an interface without errors, but with warnings, a .class file is created for the interface. B. If you compi le a class with errors, a .class file is created for the class. C. If you compile an interface without errors, a .class file is created for the interface. D. If you compile a class without errors but with warnings, a .class file is created. 6 Anal ...
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