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3) Distinguish among various methods to implement access controls

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3) Distinguish among various methods to implement
access controls
Generally access controls of Object oriented programing
languages are public ,private, protect, default ,final,
abstract .
In this we define as the final, abstract is called Non access
Access Modifiers are like public, private, default, protect.
Here we can use the access controls as at before the class
name and method names. Generally Public can be used as
the before the Class Declaration and Method Declaration.
In method declaration, we can access method anywhere in
the Class.
Private access is used before the variables names. We can
use private as before declaration of variable in Class.
Protected this can be declared before the variable, that
means it can be accessed by the that Class and its

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3) Distinguish among various methods to implement access controls Solution Answer Generally access controls of Object oriented programing languages are public ,private, protect, default ,final, abstract . In this we define as the final, abstract is called Non access Modifiers. Access Modifiers are like public, private, default, protect. Here we can use the access controls as at before the class name and method names. Generally Public can be used as the before the Class Declaration and Met hod Declaration. In method declaration, we can access method anywhere in the Class. Private access is us ...
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