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A standard DVD computer holds approximately 5 billion characters Es

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A standard DVD computer holds approximately 5 billion
characters. Estimate how many linear feet of shelf space
would be required to house 5 billion characters as printed
bound books rather than electronic media. assume there
are 5 characters per word, 300 words per page, and 300
pages per inch shelf? Briefly described how you came to
your answer.
There is no formula to calculat the linear foot shelf space
occupied by bounded volumes of book.
5 billion characters are currently represented with a 5
followed by 9 zeroes and earlier it was 12 zeroes.
considering the current representation
5 billion characters=5,000,000,000
Number of characters/word=5
Number of words per page=300
Therefore number of characters per page=5*300=1500
The storage capacity=300 pages/inch shelf
Therfore per inch shelf can hold 300*1500=450000
Now, to compute the shlef requirement to hold 5 billion

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A standard DVD computer holds approximately 5 billion characters. Estimate how many linear feet of shelf space would be required to house 5 billion characters as printed bound books rather than electronic media. assume there are 5 characters per word, 300 words per page, and 300 pages per inch shelf? Briefly described how you came to your answer. Solution There is no formula to calculat the linear foot shelf space occupied by bounded volumes of book. 5 billion characters are currently represe nted with a 5 followed by 9 zeroes and earlier it was 12 zeroes. considering the current representat ...
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