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3) Given the following initial elements in a list of datat z u y

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3) Given the following initial elements in a list of data:
t z u y r a l w s i
Show their order after the first 3 iterations of selection sort
How many comparisons were performed to reach this
How many data movements needed to be done (or linkage
movements if the list was linked)?
10) A set of data is initially:
a b d r u c y m
2 3 1 2 4 2 1 4
After sorting based on the numeric values, the data looks
like this:
y d a r c b u m
1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4
Was the sort used stable?
If not, circle the parts of the data that give it away.
What sort(s) do we now know could not have been used?
a i l y r t u w s z
30 comparisons were made as in each step it checks all
the elements.
Considering a swap as a data movement total 3 were

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3) Given the following initial elements in a list of data: t z u y r a l w s i Show their order after the first 3 iterations of selection sort (non-decreasing). How many comparisons were performed to reach this state? How many data movements needed to be done (or linkage movements if the list was linked)? 10) A set of data is initially: a b d r u c y m 2 3 1 2 4 2 1 4 After sorting based on the numeric values, the data looks like this: y d a r c b u m 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 Was the sort used stable? If not, circle the parts of the data that give it away. What sort(s) do we now know could not have bee ...
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