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A step by step would be appreciated! Assume you have a module that c

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A step by step would be appreciated! Assume you have a
module that consumes 100 units of area and has a delay of
10 ns. The pipeline registers have an area of 2 units, and
t_reg = 500 ps. By varying the number of pipeline stages,
make a graph with throughput on the y-axis and area on
the x-axis. What can you say about the cost (area) versus
benefit (throughput) about very deep pipelines?
One of the effects of adopting a High Level Synthesis
design methodology is that the barrier between \"Systems
designers\" and \"Hardware designers\" is substantially
reduced if not totally eliminated. Suddenly, both \"Systems
designers\" and \"Hardware designers\" are using not only
the same input language to specify their models (C++ /
System C) but they are also exposed to the same
terminology. For this reason, \"Hardware designers\" are
suddenly exposed to two terms to which they have had
little or no exposure in the past.
The purpose of this post is to clarify two \"systems\" terms
that are usually confused and sometimes used
interchangeably: latency and throughput.
Latency: 1000 ns = 1000 ns * (1 s / 10^9 ns ) * ( 100 *

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A step by step would be appreciated! Assume you have a module that consumes 100 units of area and has a delay of 10 ns. The pipeline registers have an area of 2 units, and t_reg = 500 ps. By varying the number of pipeline stages, make a graph with throughput on the y-axis and area on the x-axis. What can you say about the cost (area) versus benefit (throughput) about very deep pipelines? Solution One of the effects of adopting a High Level Synthesis design methodology is that the barrier betwee n \"Systems designers\" and \"Hardware designers\" is substantially reduced if not totally elimina ...
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