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3 Describe what techniques or evidence network engineers could use

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3. Describe what techniques or evidence network
engineers could use to distinguish between a flooding
attack and one due to a natural surge in traffic, such as
many people seeking news about a major world event.
Flooding attacks are generated by attack tools,worms
using different packet transmission techniques and various
types of attack packets to beat the defense systems.
These attacks can mix with the original traffic during high
load time.The packet arrival technique is used to
discriminate the legitimate traffic versus attacker traffic.
Attacker traffic will be from same locations where as
legitimate traffic comes from various location all around
the world.
Another technique is using Distance metrics:
Distance metrics which are used to measure the similarity
among the flow.By using this around 60% of the attacks
can be detected.
Natural surge in a traffic will create DoS where as flooding
attack creates DDoS which crashes the server.The
probability metrics are used to detect the requests to the

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3. Describe what techniques or evidence network engineers could use to distinguish between a flooding attack and one due to a natural surge in traffic, such as many people seeking news about a major world event. Solution Flooding attacks are generated by attack tools,worms using different packet transmission techniques and various types of attack packets to beat the defense systems. These attacks can mix with the original traffic during high load time.The packet arrival technique is used to discriminate the legitimate traffic versus attacker traffic. Attacker traffic will be from same locati ...
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