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A TFTP cliente process in c or c++ that can solve the problem of m

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A TFTP cliente process in c or c++ that can solve the
problem of message formatting and flux control of the
A TFTP cliente process in c or c++ that can solve the
problem of message formatting and flux control of the
package tftpclient; import*; import*; import tftp.*; import
tftpserver.TFTPServerClient; import
public class TFTPClient extends Thread { public int
server_port; public String server_ip; public Socket
server_socket; public BufferedOutputStream out;
public BufferedInputStream in; public DataInputStream
fin; public DataOutputStream fout; public
TFTPServerClient.TClientRequest request; public
TFTPClient(int port, String ip) { server_port = port;
server_ip = ip; try { server_socket = new
Socket(server_ip, server_port); } catch
(UnknownHostException unknownHost) {
TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Unknown host \" + server_ip);

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} catch (IOException ioException) {
TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Unable to create a socket\"); }
} public boolean sendFile(String filename, String
dest) { TFTPPacket packet_wrq, packet_ack,
packet_data; int bytes_read; int packet_no; byte[]
data = new
fin = new DataInputStream(new
va\\\\src\\\\tftpclient\\\\\" + filename)); } catch
(Exception e) { TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Unable to open
source file: \" + filename); return false; }
request = TClientRequest.WRQ; if
(server_socket.isConnected()) {
TFTPUtils.puts(\"Connected to \" + server_ip + \" on port \"
+ server_port); } else {
TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Disconnected unexpectedly\"); }
try { out = new
in = new
packet_wrq = new TFTPPacket();
packet_wrq.createWRQ(dest); packet_wrq.dumpData();
TFTPUtils.puts(\"Sending write request to server\");
packet_wrq.sendPacket(out); // wait for ack

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A TFTP cliente process in c or c++ that can solve the problem of message formatting and flux control of the protocol A TFTP cliente process in c or c++ that can solve the problem of message formatting and flux control of the protocol Solution package tftpclient;*; import*; import tftp.*; tftpserver.TFTPServerClient; import import import tftpserver.TFTPServerClient.TClientRequest; public class TFTPClient extends Thread { server_port; server_socket; public String server_ip; public Socket public BufferedOutputStream out; public BufferedInputStream in; fin; public int public DataInputStream public DataOutputStream fout; public TFTPServerClient.TClientRequest request; TFTPClient(int port, String ip) { server_ip = ip; try { Socket(server_ip, server_port); public server_port = port; server_socket = new } catch (UnknownHostException unknownHost ) { TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Unknown host \" + server_ip); } catch (IOException ioException) { TFTPUtils.fatalError(\"Unable to create a socket\"); } } public boolean sendFile(String filename, String dest) { TFTPPacket packet_wrq, packet_ack, packet_data; int bytes_read; int packet_no; byte[] data = new byte[TFTPPacket.TFTP_PACKET_DATA_SIZE]; try { fin = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(\"D:\\\\Users\\\\Vilius\\\\Desktop\\\\tftp\\\\ja va\\\\src\\\\tftpclient\\\\\" + filename)); (Exception e) { } catch TFTPUtils.fatalError( \"Unable to open source file: \" + filename); return false; ...
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