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3 Encrypt message Golf Medal using the RSA algorithm with key (n,k)

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3. Encrypt message Golf Medal using the RSA algorithm
with key (n,k) = (2419,3)
Before start encryption process we will keep index to
aplphabets as follows:
A = 1, B=2 .... z = 26
Given (n,k) as (2419,3)
So to encrypt, formula is Me mod n
Golf Medal
G ==> 73 mod 2419 ==> 343 mod 2419 ==> 343
O ==> 153 mod 2419 ==> 3375 mod 2419 ==> 956
L ==> 123 mod 2419 ==>1728 mod 2419 ==> 1728
F ==> 63 mod 2419 ==> 216 mod 2419 ==> 216
M ==> 133 mod 2419 ==> 2197 mod 2419 ==> 2197
E ==> 53 mod 2419 ==> 125 mod 2419 ===> 125
D ==> 43 mod 2419 ==> 64 mod 2419 ===>64
A ===> 13 mod 2419 ==. 1 mod 2419 ==> 1
L ===> 123 mod 2419 ==>1728 mod 2419 ==> 1728
So encrypted message ==> 343 956 1728 216 2197 125 64
1 1728

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3. Encrypt message Golf Medal using the RSA algorithm with key (n,k) = (2419,3) Solution Before start encryption process we will keep index to aplphabets as follows: A = 1, B=2 .... z = 26 Given (n,k) as (2419,3) So to encrypt, formula is Me mod n Golf Medal G ==> 73 mod 2419 ==> 343 mod 2419 ==> 343 O ==> 153 mod 2419 ==> 3375 mod 2419 ==> 956 L ==> 123 mod 2419 ==>1728 mod 2419 ==> 1728 F ==> 63 mod 2419 ==> 216 mod 2419 ==> 216 M ==> 133 mod 2419 ==> 2197 mod 2419 ==> 2197 E ==> 53 mod 2419 ==> 125 mod 2419 ===> 125 D ==> 43 mod 2419 ==> 64 mod 2419 ===>64 A ===> 13 mod 2419 ==. 1 mod 241 ...
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