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32 Consider the following presentation layer ERDUsing the foreig

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32. Consider the following presentation layer ERD:
Using the foreign key design, specify the logical scheme in
the following ways:
With directed arcs
In terms of inclusion dependencies
Using the information-preserving grammar
Also, list the metadata present in the ERD and indicate the
ones captured by each of the three designs of the logical
schema. Name Headquarters Size Major Name tatus Year
Quarter Period Student Location Company Stipend
internship Provides Gets
The logical schema includes following tables:
1) Company(Company_Name, Company_Size,
2) Internship(Internship_Location, Internship_Stipend,
Internship_Period, Internship_Year, Internship_Quarter)
3) Student(Student_Name, Student_Major,
Student_Status, Company_Name, Internship_Location,
The various dependencies are:
Company_Name----> Company_Size
Student_Name-----> Student_Status, Student_Major

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32. Consider the following presentation layer ERD: Using the foreign key design, specify the logical scheme in the following ways: With directed arcs In terms of inclusion dependencies Using the information-preserving grammar Also, list the metadata present in the ERD and indicate the ones captured by each of the three designs of the logical schema. Name Headquarters Size Major Name tatus Year Quarter Period Student Location Company Stipend internship Provides Gets Solution The logical schema includes following tables: 1) Company(Company_Name, Company_Size, Company_Headquarter_Name) 2) Inter ...
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