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A) How many total bits are required for a direct mapped cache with 2

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a) How many total bits are required for a direct-mapped
cache with 2048 entries each holding an 8 word (of 32 bits
or 4 bytes) block, assuming a 32-address?
b) Discuss with the help of a diagram the logic to check a
hit or miss (that is, presence or absence) of a required
memory block in the cache described a), and acess a
specific word of the block in case of a hit. label all the
fields in a cache word.
1(a) We have given , 2048 entries = 2^11 means 11 index
bits for 2048
8 words = 2^3 = 3 bits for 8 words
Therefore total bits = 32 - 11 - 3 = 18 bits

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a) How many total bits are required for a direct -mapped cache with 2048 entries each holding an 8 word (of 32 bits or 4 bytes) block, assuming a 32 -address? b) Discuss with the help of a diagram the logic to check a hit or miss (that is, presence or absence) of a required memory block in the cache ...
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