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4) A novice researcher begins an analysis of the GSS2014 data and wa

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4) A novice researcher begins an analysis of the GSS2014
data and wants to understand the distribution of income in
the United States. She looks at the data in the Data View
and sees values range mostly from 1 to 25, but
occasionally also sees the number 98 (you can do this by
finding the variable INCOME06 in the gss2014). She
explains to her instructor that the data must be wrong
because almost no one has an income of “10.” Her
instructor tells her the data are fine, and asks her to come
back when she can tell how much a family income is for an
observation that is listed as 10.
What does 10 in the INCOME06 variable indicate?
What is the reason for the novice researchers confusion?
The variable INCOME06 has value 10. It means that that
\"total family income\" comes under the range of 10.
Because variable INCOME06 denotes the \"total family

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4) A novice researcher begins an analysis of the GSS2014 data and wants to understand the distribution of income in the United States. She looks at the data in the Data View and sees values range mostly from 1 to 25, but occasionally also sees the number 98 (you can do this by finding the variable I ...
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