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A) In a network using continuous ARQ scheme, suppose the sender has

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a) In a network using continuous ARQ scheme, suppose
the sender has already sent frame 6, but the timer for
frame 3 expires. What would the sender do?
b) Assume continuous ARQ scheme is in use. The frames
in the current window at the senders end are numbered w,
w+1, w+2.w+n-1. Which frames have already been
acknowledged? Which frames have yet to be sent?
A)suppose the sender has sent frame 6,but the timer for
frame 3 expires(i.e., frmae3 has not been
acknowledged),then the sender goes back and sends
frames 3,4,5,6 again.Thus it is called Go-Back-N ARQ .The
receiver doesnot have to acknowledge each frame
received,it can send one cumilative ACK for several

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a) In a network using continuous ARQ scheme, suppose the sender has already sent frame 6, but the timer for frame 3 expires. What would the sender do? b) Assume continuous ARQ scheme is in use. The frames in the current window at the sender’s end are numbered w, w+1, w+2….w+n-1. Which frames hav ...
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