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4 (assessed) In class StackDemo, complete the method alternateItems

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4. (assessed) In class StackDemo, complete the method
alternateItems that when passed a stack of integers,
returns a stack containing every alternate item, starting
from the top item, from the passed stack. For example, if
the stack passed is [6, 3, 1, 8] (where 8 is the top item),
returns the stack [3, 8], and when the stack passed is [2,
6, 3, 1, 8], returns the stack [2, 3, 8].
I\'ll give you a hint; create an empty out stack. If the in
stack is not empty, pop from the in stack (store as t), push
t to the out stack, pop from the in stack, repeat from if.

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4. (assessed) In class StackDemo, complete the method alternateItems that when passed a stack of integers, returns a stack containing every alternate item, starting from the top item, from the passed stack. For example, if the stack passed is [6, 3, 1, 8] (where 8 is the top item), returns the stack ...
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