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4 A coffee company sells two types of breakfast blends They have o

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4. A coffee company sells two types of breakfast blends.
They have on hand 132 kg of dark roast and 84 kg of
hazelnut. One breakfast blend will contain half dark roast
and half hazelnut and will sell for $7 per kg. The other
breakfast blend will contain 3/4 dark roast and 1/4 hazelnut
and will sell for $9.50 per kg.
Use Python to determine graphically how many kilograms
of each breakfast blend should be prepared in order to
maximize revenue, as well as what the maximum revenue
will be.
Python is mainly used for the graphical representation of
the datas , but recently the matplotlib has become the
most widely used tool for creating the graphical
Matlotlib is an open source plotting library designed to
support interactive and publication quality plotting with a
syntax familiar to matlab users. Its interactive mode
supports multiple windowing toolkits as well as non
interactive back ends. Plots can be embedded with GUI ,
applications or for non interactive uses without any
avaiable display in batch mode. matplotlib provides both a

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4. A coffee company sells two types of breakfast blends. They have on hand 132 kg of dark roast and 84 kg of hazelnut. One breakfast blend will contain half dark roast and half hazelnut and will sell for $7 per kg. The other breakfast blend will contain 3/4 dark roast and 1/4 hazelnut and will sell for $9.50 per kg. Use Python to determine graphically how many kilograms of each breakfast blend should be prepared in order to maximize revenue, as well as what the maximum revenue will be. Solution Python is mainly used for the graphical representation of the datas , but recently the matplotlib ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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