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4 In Wireless LANs how does the CSMA CA technique workExplain h

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4. In Wireless LANs how does the CSMA /CA technique
Explain how CSMA/CA deals with the following:
Case 1: Successful Transmission.
Case 2: Station sends but no ACK received.
Case 3: Channel becomes busy during backoff period.
(while backoff counter is being decremented)
case1: when packets are transmitted succesfully, it checks
the channel again ,if channel is free it sends the next
case 2: If station sends data but ACK not received, it
assumes that packet is lost or collision occured. It
retransmitts the packet after time out.
case 3: If the channel is busy when the backoff counter
reaches zero, the backoff factor is set again,and is
counted down by a backoff counter. If the channel is clear
when the backoff counter reaches zero, the node transmits
the packet

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4. In Wireless LANs how does the CSMA /CA technique work? Explain how CSMA/CA deals with the following: Case 1: Successful Transmission. Case 2: Station sends but no ACK received. Case 3: Channel becomes busy during backoff period. (while backoff counter is being decremented) Solution case1: when packets are transmitted succesfully, it checks the channel again ,if channel is free it sends the next packet. case 2: If station sends data but ACK not received, it assumes that packet is lost or col lision occured. It retransmitts the packet after time out. case 3: If the channel is busy when the ...
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