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4 LONG PATH is the problem of, given (G, u, v, k) where G is a grap

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4. LONG-PATH is the problem of, given (G, u, v, k) where
G is a graph, u and v vertices and k an integer,
determining if there is a simple path in G from u to v of
length at least k. Show that LONG-PATH is NP-complete.
Long Path is in NP
since the path is the certificate (we can check easily in
polynomial time that it is a path, and its length is k or
and NP-Complete since Hamiltonian Path (The variant
where we specify a start and end node) is a special case
of Long Path,
namely where k = the number of vertices of (G - 1).

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4. LONG-PATH is the problem of, given (G, u, v, k) where G is a graph, u and v vertices and k an integer, determining if there is a simple path in G from u to v of length at least k. Show that LONG-PATH is NP-complete. Solution Long Path is in NP since the path is the certificate (we can check eas ...
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